Wednesday, June 29, 2011


On Sunday, May 26, I ordered an Arduino Uno. I paid 23.75€ for the Arduino and 6€ by the payment delivery.
Today I received Arduino. The store offered me three LEDs and a pair of wires, by that way, thanks very much.
I connected Arduino to my computer and I loaded simple programs to the Arduino and guess what... It was fantastic. The potential of Arduino is huge. With Arduino, in theory, I can do something simple to a complex thing.
I can't deny my goal is building a robot. I always liked robots but I didn't have a chance to build one. So my first project is building a robot. I can't wait to build. I would like to create a simple robot but I still don't have enough material and time to build a simple robot.
One thing is absolutely right, Arduino rocks!

Saturday, June 25, 2011