If you go to /usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos/background-1.xml, you can see the configuration information necessary to run the background as slide-show.
Here is what it looks like:
<!-- This animation will start at midnight. -->
The static tag (<static>) allows show the specified image during x seconds.
The duration tag (<duration>) must be specified in seconds. For example, if you want one hour to show a wallpaper, you must type 3600 (<duration>3600.0</duration>).
The transition tag (<transition>) also must be specified in seconds. This tag allows move to next file. Attention, don't forget to transition to first file when it is the last file.
The logic of XML file is:
- Transition from the previous image to the current image;
- Indicate the duration of the current image;
- Transition from the current image to the next image.
You can change the name of XML file but never can change .xml extension!